Steve on the Jungle Surfing tour in Cape Tribulation (Daintree Rainforest).... we didn't do every zip line upside down, just the last one:

The koala and its (not so small) baby on the left that we spotted while hiking on Magnetic Island:
One of the amazing overlooks on Magnetic Island:
One of many beautiful sunsets we've seen, this one in Townsville.
On our way to snorkeling in the Whitsundays:
6:30AM on the beach in Cape Hillsborough National Park, making friends with the locals:
Steve "sand-surfing" on Great Keppel Island- this happened within minutes of getting off the ferry, when we're getting picked up to go to our hostel (which we loved).
In a perched lake on Fraser Island. Perched lakes are pretty rare, as they're fresh water with a sand bottom (no soil.) They're formed when leaves, organic matter, etc. decay and form a sort of barrier so that the sand can actually hold water in. This lake was completely clear, with amazing reflections:
The gi-normous 4-wheel-drive buses we took on the Fraser Island tour:
Not for the faint of heart. Taken in Hervey Bay, after our wonderful day of whale watching, this was our very desperate attempt at blocking out the booming music (mostly Bon Jovi, lovely) from the hostel's bar downstairs. We had an extra bed in the room, so we used the Lonely Planet-recommended twine that we'd packed to hang the mattress in the window, and the bed frame to keep it from falling down. It worked decently well actually. Now THAT is putting a couple of engineering degrees to use!
We loved seeing the pictures and especially Stevey-boy upside down. Was that a wallaby or a baby kangaroo on the beach? (Marissa)I just learned about how the whales go to the 'twilight zone' and then come up to breathe and eat. Will be glad to see you in November for the wedding. Glad you're having fun. Fun to hear that the Sidney opera house is as pretty and white as it was in Finding Nemo.
Love you, Marissa and Sam.
p.s. we went on Test Track and had a blast,(it took us two weeks to convince Sam he really did have a good time and he wanted to do it again next time..:<))
Steve, I dig the 'fro. I think if I start now, I can probably catch up by December.
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